, "Invalid request."
4001, "Invalid payment id."
4002, "Invalid payment type."
4003, "Invalid payment status"
4004, "Invalid collector."
4005, "Invalid payment method."
4006, "Invalid currency."
4007, "Invalid url return."
4008, "Invalid back url."
4009, "Invalid url notification."
4010, "Invalid media payment."
4011, "Invalid expiration year."
4012, "Invalid expiration month."
4013, "Invalid identification type."
4014, "Invalid country type."
4015, "Invalid due date."
4016, "Invalid last due date."
4017, "Invalid security code."
4018, "Invalid transaction amount."
4019, "Invalid action."
4020, "Invalid authorization transaction id."
4021, "Type of subscription is not valid."
4022, "Invalid subscription id."
4023, "Invalid subscription status."
4024, "Invalid due day."
4025, "Invalid recurrence."
4026, "Invalid email format."
4027, "Invalid import id."
4028, "Invalid import status."
4029, "Invalid start date."
4030, "Commerce doesn't have a valid gateway for media payment."
4031, "Payment number is not valid."
4032, "Deferral date invalid."
4033, "Payment has already been retried."
4034, "Commerce doesn't accept payment method."
4035, "Refund type not allowed."
4036, "Invalid child to group payment status"
4037, "Invalid promotion"
4038, "Batch type does not correlate with gateway type"
4039, "Installments does not match"
4040, "Sensitive data send from unsecure source"
4041, "Invalid payment type in preset."
4042, "PaymentMethod length is not valid for selected refund type"
4043, "Invalid preset action"
4044, "Invalid plan"
4045, "Strategy doesn't exist."
4046, "Export type selected is invalid"
4047, "Invalid order field"
4048, "Invalid sort type"
4049, "Soft Provider doesn't exist."
4050, "Invalid commerce status."
4051, "Invalid commerce id."
4052, "Invalid bin."
4053, "Bin lenght must be 6."
4054, "Invalid type."
4055, "Invalid brand."
4056, "Invalid media payment id."
4057, "Invalid transaction type"
4058, "Invalid collector type"
4059, "Invalid payer id"
4060, "Invalid media payment number"
4061,"Payer must have collector id"
4062,"Payer must have external reference"
4063,"Subscription external reference is not valid."
4064,"The commerce soft provider rejected the action."
4065,"The commerce soft provider response a retry state."
4066,"Program soft provider communicate error. Retry later."
4067,"Commerce communicate error."
4068, "There is a conflict with inclusions and exclusions."
4069, "Invalid coupon number."
4070, "At least one of the following must be completed: email, external_reference, identification."
4071, "Invalid batch withdrawal id"
4072, "Invalid batch withdrawal status"
4073, "Invalid withdrawal id"
4074, "Invalid billing reference date"
4075, "Invalid movement type"
4076, "Invalid rule status"
4077, "Invalid distribution details type"
4078, "Invalid distribution details date"
4100, "Details of payment can not be null."
4101, "External reference can not be null."
4102, "Concept id can not be null."
4103, "Concept description can not be null."
4104, "Amount can not be null."
4105, "Installments can not be null."
4106, "Card holder can not be null."
4107, "Card holder name can not be null."
4108, "Card holder identification can not be null."
4109, "Identification number can not be null."
4110, "Reason can not be null."
4111, "Cancel reason can't be null."
4112, "Details of subscription can not be null."
4113, "Type of subscription can't be null."
4114, "Payer can't be null."
4115, "Payer name can't be null."
4116, "Payer email can't be null."
4117, "Status detail can't be null."
4118, "Import file can't be null."
4119, "Media payment id can't be null"
4120, "Payment number can't be null"
4121, "Refund cost can't be null"
4122, "Refund metadata can't be null."
4123, "External transaction id can't be null."
4124, "Promotion id can't be null"
4125, "Payment method can't be null nor empty."
4126, "Payment type (in presets) can't be null."
4127, "Refund type can't be null"
4128, "Country type can't be null"
4129, "Security code can't be null"
4130, "Signature can't be null"
4131, "Soft Descriptor can't be null"
4132, "Collector status can't be null"
4133, "Collector email can't be null"
4134, "Collector responsable name can't be null"
4135, "Collector responsable charge can't be null"
4136, "Collector iva condition can't be null"
4137, "Collector get to us can't be null"
4138, "Collector phone can't be null"
4139, "Export id can't is empty or null"
4140, "Queue message is null
4141, "Mongo property can't is null"
4142, "Collector cuit can't be null"
4143, "Collector name can't be null"
4144, "Gateway name can't be null"
4145, "Commerce number can't be null"
4146, "Description can't be null"
4147, "Pan can't be null"
4148, "Brand can't be null"
4149, "Transaction type can't be null"
4150, "Strategy can't be null"
4151, "Collector type can't be null"
4152, "Due date can't be null"
4153, "Last due date can't be null"
4154, "Batch id parameter can't be null or empty"
4155, "Withdrawal id parameter can't be null or empty"
4156, "Movement type can't be null")
, "Rule can't be null"
4158, "Rule status can't be null"
4159, "Distribution details can't be null or empty"
4160, "Distribution details destination can't be null or empty"

4200, "Parameter not allowed."
4201, "Unrelated collector."
4202, "Payment type not updateable."
4203, "Rate out of range."
4204, "Charge delay out of range."
4205, "Installments not allowed."
4206, "Payment id not allowed."
4207, "Payment number not allowed."
4208, "Security code not allowed."
4209, "Holder not allowed."
4210, "Parameter not found."
4211, "Deferral date higher than last due date."
4212, "Payment is due."
4213, "Error while deserializing."
4214, "Import result has changed."
4215, "External transaction id already exists."
4216, "Type (in presets) doesn't match promotion type"
4217, "Installments not allowed in presets."
4218, "Period malformed."
4219, "Payment already register"
4220, "Payment can not be retry."
4221, "Error in plan execution."
4222, "Invalid paylot id."
4223, "Invalid payload format."
4224, "Name duplicated."
4225, "Api id duplicated."
4226, "Cost media payment not found."
4227, "sort is not valid"
4228, "Filter value type not valid."
4229, "Filter not found."
4230, "sort not found"
4231, "sort key is not valid"
4232, "Media payment not allowed in preset type"
4233, "Security code not defined for payment method."
4234, "BUFFER property is not defined"
4235, "Export document is empty"
4236, "Generating export file failed"
4237, "Format date error"
4238, "custom fields is not a list"
4239, "User has an export in process"
4240, "List export documents this empty"
4241, "Limit property is not defined"
4242, "Limit is not an integer"
4243, "Bin must be a number."
4244, "Payment exists for period"
4245, "Payment is not registered in b_logic"
4246, "Due date must be greater than last due"
4247, "Payment Method not allowed"
4248, "Payer not allowed"
4249, "Payer not found."
4250, "If you send payer id you cant send another payer data."
4252, "Filter operator not valid."
4253, "Invalid due amount."
4254, "Invalid coupon status."
4255, "Coupon not found."
4256, "Invalid file format."
4257, "Filename contains invalid path sequence."
4258, "Invalid file header."
4259, "Unknown file extension."
4260, "Promotion code not allowed in presets."
4261, "Promotion not compatible with preset type."
4262, "Payment method number not allowed by specialized gateway."
4263, "Payment import must have one match field in true."
4264, "Commerce doesn't have a cost configuration setted."
4265, "Commerce doesn't have a tariff setted."
4266, "Tariff not found."
4267,"Commerce media payment not found."
4268, "Insufficient funds"
4269, "Could not create public/private keys"
4270, "Distribution details amount can't be empty or zero"
4271, "Distribution details amount can't be greater than payments details amount"

, "Not Authorized. Limit exceeded."
4302, "Not Authorized. Card expired."
4303, "Not Authorized. Invalid security code."
4304, "Not Authorized. Invalid card."
4305, "Not Authorized."
4306, "Credit Card has changed."
4307, "Not Authenticated."
4308, "Invalid Merchant Request."
4309, "Processing Error at PSP."
4310, "Timed Out."
4311, "Processing Error at SP."
4312, "Reversed."
4313, "Expired."
4314, "By Fraud Screening."
4315, "Pending at Merchant."
4316, "Pending at Customer (NPS Website)."
4317, "Pending. Transaction in progress."
4318, "Pending at Customer (Cash Payment)."
4319, "Pending at Customer (Bank Payment)."
4320, "Pending at Issuer."
4321, "Media payment id not allowed in presets."
4302, "Pan token not found."
4303, "This instance can not complete the action."

4400, "Access denied."
4401, "Access denied: Authentication missing or invalid."

4601, "Invalid query string."
4602, "Rule not found."

4700, "Owner can't be null."
4701, "Owner type can't be null."
4702, "Account not found."
4703, "Invalid account status transition.

5001, "Internal service error."
5002, "Mongo connection timed out."
5003, "An error ocurred while persisting data."
5004, "Register is duplicated."
5005, "Plan is not implemented."
5006, "Can't parsing message to string in kafka"
5006, "Fails to process the queue"
5007, "Fail to save file in file system"
5008, "Error getting commerce data"
5009, "Export file could not be read"
5010, "No export records found"
5011, "Invalid file"
5012, "Incompatible TokenGenerator implementation"
5013, "Export process unable to send email"
5014, "Invalid soft provider data"
5015, "Missing or invalid property"
5016, "Commerce doesn't have any balance information"
5017, "Connection with blogic failed while importing"